Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Back to school shopping is just around the corner, and I dread it every year.  It's so depressing to see how much your kids have grown up, and OUTGROWN all their clothes... Luckily I have 3 daughters and some clothes I can pass down to help cut down on the cost of buying all new clothing.  Every summer my kids dread the day when I make them have a fashion show and try on all their clothes in their closet to see what fits and what can be passed down.  When they were little they loved fashion show day, but now being they are teenagers it's not so fun!

Here are a few ideas that can help save a Dime~A~Day..

*Clothes swap party with your neighborhood/church friends...This is a great idea for infants and     toddlers
*Yard Sale-this can help get rid of old clothing and help purchase new items.
*Consignment Shops-A lot of places will buy your gently used clothing...
*Always remember to buy OFF SEASON, you can save a bundle!
*Always check the clearance racks...You never know what you can come across.
*Re-purpose clothing-Turn a pair of jean that are too short into a pair of shorts!
*If you shop on the Internet remember to shop through a reward site such as EBATES.
*Craigslist-sell by the bundle..always be careful meeting people..
*Facebook-I have been seeing a lot of yard sale pages for their county/area they live in, take pic, set price and post! EASY


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