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Tuesday, February 7, 2012



When my oldest daughter was younger she struggled with memorizing spelling words.  I knew in order to help her I needed to make it FUN.   I wanted her to learn good study habits from a young age, but also retain the information.  I have learned that when you are interested in what you are studying it's easier to remember. Being that she wasn't interested because she had difficulties I needed to come up with something lets just say GOOFY...to help her....

At that time I babysat(6 kids) and had a very large ABC rug....I thought I could use this to help her study her spelling words.  I didn't know how my idea would work but I thought it couldn't hurt...

The rug was similiar to the above picture....

At first my daughter looked at me like I was CRAZY.  I convienced her to try it.....

As I called out each word for her to spell she would have to JUMP on each letter as she SPELLED out the word.
Sometimes we made the game a little harder she would have to jump on one foot and if the other foot touched the ground before she was finished spelling the word...she would have to start over again....which is repetition, but she thought she was just having FUN!

After many weeks of jumping and spelling.....
Her spelling grades improved and another mother asked me to help her daughter improve her spelling also.

My daughter who is now 21 is attending college and studying Elementary Education.  To this day she remembers jumping and spelling her spelling words....

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